The London Daily Newsletter Wednesday 18 January

On 18 January 1701, Frederick III of Brandenburg was crowned Frederick I, king of Prussia beginning the rise of the Prussian state. On 18 January 1871, on the 170th birthday of Prussia, it ceased to exist. Kaiser Wilhelm I of Prussia was proclaimed the first emperor of Germany in the hall of mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. The First Reich began after the Prussians had defeated France swiftly in a brief war.

Harold Park
Harold Park lies to the east of Greater London, straddling the tracks of the Elizabeth Line.

In 1868 a wealthy Brentwood solicitor built a mansion to the south of the River Ingrebourne and railway line, named Harold Court. The owner went bankrupt and the house became in turn a children’s home, a lunatic asylum and then a sanatorium. In 1959 it became a teacher training college and is now private flats. Horse Block Farm lay to the north-east of Harold Court Road. After the First World War, Essex builders Iles and Company laid out a bungalow estate and called it ’Sunnytown’. Harold Court primary school opened in 1929. A riverside industrial estate that was created after the Second World War on the site of a brickworks.

TUM Book Club: Old Covent Garden
The magic of the old Covent Garden Market is evoked through Clive Boursnell’s photographs, taken over the course of numerous visits to Covent Garden in the 1960s and 1970s.

In the late 1960s and early 1970s Clive Boursnell, then a young photographer, shot thousands of photographs of the old Covent Garden, documenting the end of an era before the markets moved out of central London. Boursnell captured these last days of the market over a period of six years, from 1968 until the market’s closure, in a series of beautiful portraits of the feisty life of a city institution.

Fox Hill, Upper Norwood by Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) Camille Pissarro was born in St Thomas (then a Danish possession) in the West Indies but lived and worked mainly in the Paris area. He was an Impressionist and mainly painted landscapes. He visited London in 1870-71 and painted London views.

National Gallery, London

Video: Oyster
Getting around London with Oyster


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